

STL里面主要有两种接配器(Adapter):容器接配器(Container Adapter)和迭代器接配器(Iterator Adapter):

Container Adapter:

最常用的容器接配器无非是queue和stack,从意义上来说,他们为底层的容器提供了一层包装,使得底层的容器只表现出这些接配器所定义的数据结构的功能。 这里假设底层容器是deque,双向开口,而且两端插入删除都能够实现O(1)的时间复杂的。当作为queue进行包装的时候deque就会封闭一端的插入操作,封闭另一端的删除操作,使得整个deque表现出FIFO的特性,在作为stack的时候同理。 可以看到Container Adapter做到的功能很直观,也很好理解,只是对于容器的一层包装,改变了数据结构的接口的同时方便了我们对其的理解和使用。

Iterator Adapter(#include):

对于STL中iterator的使用最多的也就是begin(),end(),const_iterator,rbegin()等等,而在这里要讲的Iterator Adapter主要有三种: 分别是insert iterator,reverse iterator,iostream iterator。

  1. insert iterator:从定义上来讲,它的作用是将一般迭代器的赋值(assign)操作转变为插入(insert)操作。理解了这句话也就理解了insert iterator的本质。
  2. reverse iterator:显然作用是使得iterator方向相反,常和rbegin,rend一起使用
  3. iostream iterator:这种Adapter将iterator和输入输出流(可以是文件流)相关联,经常和copy函数联合使用

Iterator是一种抽象的设计概念《Design Patterns》其中对于iterator模式定义如下:提供一种方法,使之能够依序巡访某个聚合物(容器)所包含的各个元素,而又无需暴露该聚合物的内部表达方式。


unordered_map和map unordered_map存储机制是哈希表,,即unordered_map内部元素是无序的。


unordered_set和set unordered_set基于哈希表,是无序的。



Member functions description
(constructor) Construct priority queue
empty Test whether container is empty
size Return size
top Access top element
push Insert element
emplace Construct and insert element
pop Remove top element
swap Swap contents


Member functions description
(constructor) Construct queue
empty Test whether container is empty
size Return size
front Access next element
back Access last element
push Insert element
emplace Construct and insert element
pop Remove next element
swap Swap contents

The next element is the "oldest" element in the queue and the same element that is popped out from the queue when queue::pop is called.


Member functions description
(constructor) Construct stack
empty Test whether container is empty
size Return size
top Access next element
push Insert element
emplace Construct and insert element
pop Remove top element
swap Swap contents


Element access: description
front Access first element
back Access last element
Modifiers: description
assign Assign new content to container
emplace_front Construct and insert element at beginning
push_front Insert element at beginning
pop_front Delete first element
emplace_back Construct and insert element at the end
push_back Add element at the end
pop_back Delete last element
emplace Construct and insert element
insert Insert elements
erase Erase elements
swap Swap content
resize Change size
clear Clear content
Operations: description
splice Transfer elements from list to list
remove Remove elements with specific value
remove_if Remove elements fulfilling condition
unique Remove duplicate values
merge Merge sorted lists
sort Sort elements in container
reverse Reverse the order of elements


Member functions description
(constructor) Construct set
(destructor) Set destructor
operator= Copy container content
Iterators description
begin Return iterator to beginning
end Return iterator to end
rbegin Return reverse iterator to reverse beginning
rend Return reverse iterator to reverse end
cbegin Return const_iterator to beginning
cend Return const_iterator to end
crbegin Return const_reverse_iterator to reverse beginning
crend Return const_reverse_iterator to reverse end
Capacity description
empty Test whether container is empty
size Return container size
max_size Return maximum size
Modifiers description
insert Insert element
erase Erase elements
swap Swap content
clear Clear content
emplace Construct and insert element
emplace_hint Construct and insert element with hint
Observers description
key_comp Return comparison object
value_comp Return comparison object
Operations description
find Get iterator to element
count Count elements with a specific value
lower_bound Return iterator to lower bound
upper_bound Return iterator to upper bound
equal_range Get range of equal elements

Allocator: get_allocator Get allocator